How do you determine the amount of heat for domestic hot water?

The amount of heating energy for domestic hot water is determined as follows:

- In the case of counted flats, the heat consumption for domestic hot water is determined on the basis of indices of individual meters, presented monthly by the tenants.
- If the meter readings are not displayed in the month of management or when the metrological verification period expires, the amount of heat for domestic hot water billed for the given apartment will be calculated based on the average monthly volume recorded by the meters in the last 2 consecutive months, the domestic hot water calculated in this way will be added to the meter readings. Starting with 3 months from the non-submission of the indices/expiry of the metrological verification period, the consumption norm for each tenant of the apartment will be indexed.
- For uncontrolled apartments, the amount of heating energy for domestic hot water is determined based on the consumption norm for each tenant of the apartment.

Note: If there is a difference between the amount of heat consumed for the domestic hot water preparation recorded by the meter installed at the connection of the building block and that presented by the tenants according to the indices of the meters installed in the apartments, this difference can be apportioned to the apartments according to a method agreed with the manager of the housing stock, in accordance with the legislation in force.